

亿破姐在2018年5月3日收到Cloudflare公司发送的新隐私法规定GDPR,之前也没有这个情况,不知道是不是因为中美贸易战的影响出具一些什么隐私法,一家国外知名的CDN服务公司,以为网站提供的免费DDOS防御及CC攻击防御而知名,相比于国内的360网站卫士及百度云加速等等CDN好的不是一星半点儿,确实好用,Cloudflare 客户安全便捷地在全球使用 Cloudflare的智能DNS、加速服务、云防火墙、 负载平衡、广域网优化以及DDOS攻击防护等功能。


Cloudflare是一家美国的跨国科技企业,总部位于旧金山,在英国伦敦亦设有办事处。Cloudflare以向客户提供网站安全管理、性能优化及相关的技术支持为主要业务。通过基于反向代理的内容传递网络(ContentDeliveryNetwork,CDN)及分布式域名解析服务(DistributedDomainNameServer),Cloudflare可以帮助受保护站点抵御包括拒绝服务攻击(DenialofService)在内的大多数网络攻击,确保该网站长期在线,同时提升网站的性能、访问速度以改善访客体验。Cloudflare 客户安全便捷地在全球使用 Cloudflare的智能DNS、加速服务、云防火墙、 负载平衡、广域网优化以及DDOS攻击防护等功能


客户需要进入一个数据保护自己的齿顶与Cloudflare GDPR准备努力可以找到它在这里.


Hi Cloudflare Customer,

If your inbox is anything like mine, it’s recently been filled with emails like this one: a company updating its policies. You’re probably going to receive many more before May 25 because of a new European privacy law called the General Data Protection Regulation (or GDPR). Companies are updating their policies to meet GDPR requirements and are sending their customers notices about the changes.

Cloudflare’s mission is to help build a better Internet, and protecting your privacy is at the core of that mission. Today, we are releasing our own updated Privacy Policy, which provides greater clarity and detail about the information we collect, how we use it, and how we comply with GDPR. What is not changing is the already strong level of privacy we provide for your personal information.

We are also updating our Self-Serve Subscription Agreement, which governs our customers’ use of our Free, Pro, and Business plans. This update provides greater detail about how we manage our services but shouldn’t change how you use them.

Any time we make updates, we hope to make it easy for you to understand your choices and the control you have over your data. Our new Self-Serve Subscription Agreement and our updated Privacy Policy will take effect May 25, 2018. If you continue to use Cloudflare’s services after that date, it means you agree to these new terms.

We’ve always kept our users’ data personal and private, and we’ve never been in the business of selling your personal information or mining network traffic to serve ads. While GDPR only holds us accountable for how we process EU users’ personal data, we’ve taken this opportunity to review our practices and ensure that our high standards for data privacy extend to everyone on our network. You can learn more about our GDPR readiness efforts in my blog post and on our dedicated GDPR page.

Customers who need to enter into a Data Protection Addendum with Cloudflare as part of their own GDPR readiness efforts can find it here.

As our commitment to transparency around our policy changes, we have posted our Privacy Policy on Github to help you track the changes we’ve made.

Thank you for being part of the Cloudflare community.

Emily Hancock
Cloudflare Data Protection Officer


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